Saturday, February 9, 2019

39 Days until departure!

Although it doesn't feel much like spring right now, Spring Break is right around the corner!  39 days until departure, to be exact.

Rehearsals are planned, final payments are due soon.  Are you ready?

This blog will be utilized to communicate with parents, family, and friends while we are on our trip.  Please subscribe to the blog if you would like to get notification when a new post is created.  I will try to post daily (internet access will determine how frequently I am able to post...keep your fingers crossed) while we are on our trip with details of our daily adventures and photos.  Lots and lots of photos!

If you would like to see what type of updates I'm talking about, please feel free to reminisce with us on past international band trips, visit our Ireland blog posts or London blog posts

If you are a list maker like I am, it is time to get started on your list of items to take care of before the Italy Trip.  If you are not a list maker, perhaps you should be!  Here is a quick overview of a sample check list to get you started:

  • Money:   Contact your bank to convert dollars to Euros or determine payment method preferred for spending money.  As far as the amount needed is concerned, participants will be responsible for approximately 6 lunches while traveling.  You can estimate around 10-15 Euro per meal.  Additional money may be used on souvenirs, but that amount is up to the individual.
  • Call credit card company or bank:  Call credit card company/bank if you are planning to use a card on our trip.  Warning the company that the card will be used in Italy prior to the trip will help ensure that a fraud alert is not placed on your card while we are traveling.  You may also want to look into transaction fees charged for your card on international purchases.  Some cards have fees, others do not.
  • Uniform pants:  Students will need tan/khaki pants to wear as the uniform along with the jackets (more on that later) which will be provided for each student.  If a student already has the correct color of pants, do they fit?
  • Cell phone usage/data plan:  Make sure that you understand the international calling/data plan that you are on with your cell phone carrier.  It is very important to check on this prior to departure because the plans vary greatly from one carrier or plan to another.  Some carriers charge extra rates per text/call or very high per minute fees.  Other carriers have free international calling/data.  Figure out your plan in advance to avoid any surprise charges on your post Italy trip phone bill!
  • Power conversion adapter:  If you have not traveled internationally before, you may not realize that you will most likely need a plug adapter if you plan to charge/plug in any devices.  A quick internet search can help you learn more about this.  Adapters can be ordered online at a very reasonable price on Amazon or other online shopping sites and if you order now you can save a mad dash looking for the item locally.  You might also coordinate with roommates on this-if someone in your room already has a few you can probably just share!
  • Job arrangements?  Students-if you have a job make sure you let your employer know now that you are going to be gone for the entire week!  Being up front about this in advance is always appreciated by your employer.
  • Packing:  No, I'm not packing yet, but I am starting to think about which bag I will take and how I can keep my items to a minimum.  You will receive details about weight limit, number of bags, instrument packing, etc. at the upcoming trip meeting.
  • Itinerary:  A specific itinerary will be provided to all participants at the meeting.  However, see below for departure details.
  • Questions:  As you think of questions you have about the trip, write them down or put them on a note on your phone to bring with you to the meeting on Wednesday, March 6.  Mr. Furr of Music Travel Consultants, who will be traveling with us, will answer many of your questions in his presentation during the meeting.  If your question doesn't get answered in his presentation, he will have time for questions and it really helps if you jot them down in advance!

Wednesday, February 20 

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Rehearsal

Wednesday, March 6  

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Rehearsal
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm Chaperone Meeting
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Trip Departure Meeting

Wednesday, March 20   

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Rehearsal
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Instrument Packing

Thursday, March 21 - Departure Day   

7:20 am - 10:28 am Attend Periods 1-5 (MYP Early Release Schedule) *All students will eat during Period 6 lunch*
11:00 am All travelers report to PAC Luggage Check; Load motor coaches
12:00 pm Depart NC

Thursday, March 28 - Return Day 

Details will be coming at the meeting, but we are scheduled to land in Chicago in the evening and will return to NCHS late Thursday night (approx. midnight)

Another Country and heading home

Many people like to keep a list of places visited.  Today we were able to add another country to the list-the world's smallest country-T...